Conquering a 100km Trail Race with Confidence

It has been a year since I last toed the line at a trail ultra, and in that time, my focus has shifted toward my business in Kuala Lumpur and my family who now resides in Singapore. When I started this blog back in 2020, it was a way to chronicle my journey toward completing a 100km trail ultra. Now, having achieved that goal and successfully finishing six of them, I find myself at a crossroads, uncertain if I will chase more of these races in the future. This may very well be my final blog post on ultra racing.

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The Most Beautiful Thing

2-3 September 2023: Instinct – TMBT Ultra-trail Marathon 2023 – Sabah, Malayisa. This year I returned to take on the 109km category.  The race started from Lingkubang and finished at Kundasang, making you climb a total elevation of 5,700m. The TMBT acronym stands for ‘The Most Beautiful Thing’ referring to the majestic Mont Kinabalu. The race course is set over forest ridges, river valleys and village trails around the base of Mont Kinabalu.

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Courage at the Starting Line

It was just before 6 in the morning on 18 December 2021 when the gentle drizzle turned into a medium shower. The first-wave ultra-runners were all waiting at the starting pen, keeping a small distance between each other in compliance with the pandemic standard operating procedure. Personally for me, it took courage just to show up at the starting line.

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