Live Adventurously

Hi there! I am Nat. I started this blog early 2020 to record my aspiration towards racing a 100km trail ultra. Training for it is tough, consistency is mandatory. Motivation is needed afresh each day.

To keep the fire alive, I write what I learned and compile them in Go-Ultra. This section is a sandbox where I test out ideas for the craft. I try to apply the knowledge into my trainings, hoping to make the journey more enjoyable.

Since I do have a life (and responsibilities) beyond my trail running quest, I thought it would be fun to muse on the joys and nuances of life too. In the Go-Life section, I blog everyday insights on matters that I think are important – leadership, fitness, investment and relationship. I do not claim to be good in these areas but I am working on them. 

This site may skew towards the nuts and bolts of running an ultra but the centre message of my work here is to encourage everyone to aspire and achieve more in life. For me, it’s aspiring to be a better husband, father, leader, investor and run that 100km trail well. For you it might be something else. Whatever that may be, I wish you well.

Aspire to be more today!